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Click here to go to our main page on Gysel power splitters
Click here to go to our main page on rat-race power splitters
Click here to see how to design N-way unequal split Gysels
The Gysel coupler is mostly seen in its two-way configuration. But it also readily adapts to three-way, four-way, or even-more-way! Here we'll show you some examples soon.
The Gysel is an in-phase splitter, like the Wilkinson.
While we wait for improved original content, here is a link to an excellent white paper on an eight-way Gysel design:
And here's a new 16-way Gysel combiner, it's a product release so not a lot of design details...
Here is our schematic of a four-way Gysel:

Below are the S-parameters.

Later we'll analyze this circuit, stay tuned!