Microwave Colleges

If you are looking for information on football teams, you could not be at a more-wronger place... 

Learn about IEEE's Project Connect, an outreach program.  Since 2014, Project Outreach  has brought undergraduate and first-year graduate students from underrepresented groups in engineering to the MTT-S International Microwave Symposium for professional development.  

Click here to learn about the IEEE MTT-S Graduate Fellowship worth $6000/year.

We've started splitting this page onto separate pages for each college. This will take some time, and we'll probably work hardest on the pages that have the most class participation (hint hint).

Here's a complete index to our information microwave colleges; be sure to check this list and not just scroll down below, as many of these colleges now have their own Microwaves101 page.

Arizona State University
Auburn University
Cal Tech
Clemson University
Colorado State University
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)
Georgia Tech
Harvard University
Illinois Institute of Technology
Indian Institutes of Technology
Iowa State
Johns Hopkins University
Kansas State University
KU Leuven (new for September 2024)
Liverpool John Moores University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Montana State University
National Institute of Technology, Trichy
National Taiwan University (NTU)
North Carolina State University
Ohio State
Polytechnic Institute of New York
Purdue University
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
San Diego State University
Seoul National University
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Stellenbosch University (SU)
SUNY New Paltz
Texas A&M
University of Arizona
University of Birmingham
University of California Davis
University of California Irvine
University of California Los Angeles
University of California San Diego
University of California Santa Barbara
University of Cape Town (UCT)
University of Central Florida
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Hawaii
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
University of Kansas
University of Massachusetts Amherst
University of Massachusetts Lowell
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of Oklahoma
University of Ottawa
University of Perideniya
University of Pretoria (UP)
University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez
University of South Africa
University of South Florida
University of Texas at Dallas
University of Texas El Paso
University of Virginia
University of Washington
Virginia Tech


There are several ways to use this page.

  • Are you looking for a college or university where you can study microwave engineering?
  • Or perhaps looking for an institution to do some microwave research for you on the cheap?
  • Or a perhaps you want to recruit some new talent for your growing company?
  • Or you are associated with a college and you want to recruit some students... one way you can help yourself is to provide us with some content on your school's capabilities, and keep us up to date.
  • Maybe you're interested in obtaining the answers for that microwave quiz your professor is having tomorrow. Don't bother to study, it's multiple choice, and the answers are 1:A, 2:D, 3:C, 4:A, 5:D, 6:B, 7:B, 8:D. We're here to help!
  • Best of all, if you have extra test equipment or microwave components that you are surplusing, you can consider these institutions and make a donation!

Below we present a list of microwave colleges that can help you with all of these problems! Click here for Microwaves101 contact info and let us know if your favorite microwave house of higher learning is missing from this list, and if we add them you will win a free Microwaves101 pocketknife! Note that we do want to highlight schools with microwave engineering programs; "Harvard on the Highway" ain't gonna make the cut, pal, so don't waste your time!

Some of the college links below offer contact information for professors involved in the field. It is true that many of these guys walk around with one khaki pant-leg accidentally tucked into a white sock, exposing a Birkenstock slip-on, but cut them some slack (or cut them some slacks?), they have some glorious things on their minds, which are about twice the size of ours!

Arizona State University

This came in from an anonymous Sun Devil fan...

I was reading yr list of microwave schools, and it boggled my mind that you would leave off Arizona State. It is one of the highest ranked EM schools in the country due largely to the infamous Dr. Balanis, but also has world renowned radar guru and author George Pan. Throw in UMass alums Jim Aberle and Elbadawy ElSharawy and you have a veritable team of microwave Super Friends. I won't even mention the 3 or 4 other average microwave instructors that round out the group.

Here's a link to Dr. Constantine Balanis' home page.

Here's a link to the Electromagnetics, Antennas and Microwave Circuits curriculum.


Auburn University

Located in eastern Alabama, Auburn University's Electrical and Computer Engineering department offers research in microwave topics including microwave integrated circuits, microwave materials characterization, high frequency packaging and interconnects, acoustic wave sensors. We've heard they even have a small semiconductor fab line!

Professor Wentworth
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Auburn University
Auburn, AL 36849.
Office: 403 Broun Hall
Email: wentwsm@auburn.edu
Phone: (334) 844-1878
Fax: (334) 844-1809



Cal Tech

You might have heard of this little school in Pasadena California. Turns out they conduct fairly extensive microwave research activities. Check out their web site at https://www.caltechmicrowave2.org/home. Dr. Sander Weinreb is one of our favorite MMW MMIC authors, and he is one of their professors. You can read more about him at https://www.caltechmicrowave2.org/weinreb-biography  Dr. Ali Hajimiri is also at CalTech researching silicon for millimeter-wave systems. A few years ago Dr. Hajimiri coined the phrase that silicon is the "army of ants". Lately he has made the news applying the silicon infantry to T-rays.

Jan and Dean's song about Pasadena hit #3 on Billboard Hot 100 in 1964

Harvard University

Maybe you've heard of this little school in Cambridge Massachusetts. But did you know you can study microwave engineering there? Professor Donhee Ham's web site:


Illinois Institute of Technology

Professor Thomas T. Y. Wong teaches the Microwaves Circuits and Systems class. Professor Wong's research interests include millimeter-wave communication systems, transient phenomena, propagation effects on high-speed devices and microwave integrated circuits, microwave measurements and charge transport in solids. He is the author of the book Fundamentals of Distributed Amplification published by Artech, and has several patents in the areas of microwave electronics and wireless system design. Here's his contact info:

Thomas T. Y. Wong, Ph.D.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office: Siegel Hall 316
Phone: 312.567.5796
Fax: 312.567.8976
Email: twong@ece.iit.edu

Iowa State

This link was brought to our attention by Andrew (thanks Pal!) Their Microelectronics Research Center dabbles in all kinds of things.

Johns Hopkins University

What's this, a graduate-level course on MMIC design? Turns out, JHU has been offering this class for quite a while, and has posted links to some great student reports on their MMIC design projects from prior years. The class is currently being taught by Professors Penn and Thompson.  

Kansas State University

We've all been within six miles of Kansas, every time we fly over it at 30,000 feet, and we've heard they've "got crazy little women there..." oops, that's Kansas City Missouri... but Kansas is definitely where Dorothy and Elvira are from! Did you know that Kansas State is a great place to learn the trade! This just in from Matthew of Skyworks... Dr. Kuhn is the type of professor who is there because he loves to teach. He believes that to learn, students need to get in the lab and actually build something as well as understanding the theory. What a novel concept, huh? His students get to design cool projects like satellite downconverters and RFICs. His students have landed jobs at companies like Texas Instruments (we won't hold that against them), Motorola, Skyworks, Peregrine, Honeywell, Maxim, Garmin to name a few. Oh, and K-State, JPL and Peregrine are teaming up to putting one of his transceiver RFICs on a Mars scout mission. Pretty good for being stuck in the middle of the Kansas prairie. Here's Professor Kuhn's website. Here's link worth checking out on the Communication Research Laboratory, and another one on VLSI research!

William B. Kuhn, Ph.D. (Bill Kuhn)
Electrical and Computer Engineering
2061 Rathbone Hall
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506-5204

Phone: (785) 532-4649
Fax: (785) 532-1188


Another famous Kansas campus where hundreds are trained...


Liverpool John Moores University

The RF & Microwave Research Group (RFM) here does some interesting work on microwave heating, among other things.


Missouri University of Science and Technology

University of Missouri-Rolla recently changed their name to better reflect their S&T mission. Thanks to Chad for pointing this out! "MUST" has organized an Electromagnetic Compatibility Lab (EMC) consortium which you can check out here. Say, they've got some great microwave calculators on their site, maybe we should hire them...

Montana State University

This just in from Kyle, a research assistant at MSU:

"MSU - Microwave and Millimeter Wave Electronics Lab, I strongly suggest potential students of the black arts microwave engineering to take a look at the program offered here in the Rocky Mountains. Current work of the lab includes investigations into waveguide-based power combiners with a future focus of micromachined devices suitable for submillimeter-wave applications and investigations into the development of radio-frequency integrated circuits utilizing commercial CMOS process technologies. Dr. James P. Becker is the lab's director and is currently in the process of preparing the NSF project - CCLI "Weaving a Microwaves Thread Through the Curriculum" to further strengthen the microwave presence in MSU's Electrical Engineering department. "

Here's a photo of an MSU probe station and PNA

That sounds really cool! Here's a link to Becker's lab: click here. Here's a photo of professor Becker and his contact info:

Professor James Becker
535 Cobleigh Hall
Tel: (406) 994-5988


North Carolina State University

NCSU's College of Engineering ECE department offers Analog, RF and Mixed Mode course of study. Here is their web site. Thanks to Bill! Now all we need is for Bill to volunteer someone as a contact... Located in Raleigh, something like 6 million people live within 90 miles, or maybe the statistic is 90 people live within 6 million miles.

Ohio State

The ElectroScience Laboratory (ESL) at Ohio State does some cool microwave research. Topics include antennas, metamaterials, antenna arrays, RFICs, ultrawideband radar, the list goes on and on. Who's have thought that the Buckeye State had such a great microwave school? John Volakis is director of the ElectroScience Lab. Thanks for the info, Bob!

Professor John L Volakis

(614) 292-5846

The ElectroScience Laboratory
The Ohio State University
1320 Kinnear Rd.
Columbus, OH 43212


Purdue University now has it's own page!


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

RPI has some great stuff going on!

Microelectronics & Photonics Technology Group

Electric Power, Power Electronics, Plasma Engineering and Electromagnetics

More to come!

San Diego State University

Dr. Madhu Gupta heads the microwave department at SDSU.

Stellenbosch University (SU)



Several diverse research groups in EM (computational EM, EM for radio astronomy, antennas, EMC) and a very strong base for microwave passives research. Thanks to Tinus!

Texas A&M

This recommendation comes from alumni Chris... Texas A&M has two excellent microwave labs there, quite independent from each other and both run by IEEE fellows.

Kai Chang

Dr. Kai Chang's lab specializes in microwave components, antennas, and integration. Here's their web site. Dr. Chang came to Texas A&M after a very successful career in the defense sector at Hughes and TRW.


Kwai Chang



Dr. Cam Nguyen's lab specializes in ultra wideband radar, super-resolution radar, and RFIC design. Dr. Nguyen also hails from industry. The lab has a nice website. Texas A&M is also home to the "NASA Center for Space Power". If you're interested in the beautiful yet feasible dream of beaming power from a GEO solar satellite to the earth using microwaves, this is the school to go to. Microwave Pioneer Bill Brown of Raytheon originally proposed this idea. He collaborated with Dr. Chang in his later years and transferred his entire archives and extensive equipment to the NASA center there.


University of Arizona

Located in the heart of Tucson Arizona, U of A offers some solid courses in microwave engineering. Dr. Hao Xin runs the department and his interests are:


Professor X

  • Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology
  • Active Microwave Devices and Circuits
  • Electronically Scanned Antennas
  • Novel Materials for Microwave Applications

Hao's web site is here. Here's his contact info:

Dr. Hao Xin
(520) 626-6941
ECE 525, University of Arizona
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham sent us a nice link to a broadband Wilkinson design which appears here thank to Alan. This university does work in communications, emerging device technology, superconductors, radar, you name it!

The School of Electronic, Electrical and Computer Engineering's web site is here:


There are several famous academics on current staff , who may be accessed from here:


University of California Davis

Click here to visit the UC Davis web site, this link was provided by knife-winner Morgan! UC Davis is located near Sacramento, CA, the state capital and home of the Governator! We borrowed this paragraph from their web site:

"The Microwave Microsystems Laboratory is headed by Professor Anh-Vu Pham. Our group is conducting research in RF IC and transceiver design, RF MEMS, microwave wide band gap power transistor modeling, and integration and packaging techniques for RF/microwave applications. We are developing and integrating RF components for wireless, optical, and sensing communications systems. We have recently extended our research interests to nano-electronic circuits and MEMS for chemical/biological sensors and biological/non-biological actuator systems."

University of California Irvine

Here is a link to some cool work rencently done at UCI:


University of California Los Angeles

UCLA's web site is here. Their microwave department is called Antenna Research, Analysis and Measurement (ARAM) Laboratory. Dr. Yahra Ramat-Samii is one of their microwave researchers. Together with UCSB, UCLA has formed the California NanoSystems Institute, where everyone sweats the small stuff.

University of California Santa Barbara

Perhaps nowhere in the nation will you find a more attractive student body, but get your mind off this, microwave engineering is serious business. Together with UCLA, UCSB has formed the California NanoSystems Institute, where everyone sweats the small stuff. Professor Robert York runs the Microwave Electronics Lab. He has posted a whole pile of supplementary information on microwave engineering, along with the homework assignments, check it out! has been working on ferro-electric devices, some of his work is reported on our page on Ferro-electric phase shifters. His other interests are high-power GaAs and GaN devices, cool stuff all!

Professor Bob York
ECE Department, ESB
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Tel: 805-893-7113
e-mail: rayork@ece.ucsb.edu
Admin Assistant: 805-893-5913


University of Cape Town (UCT)


http://test.ee.uct.ac.za/ee_research.php?euid=6# (The radar group)

http://test.ee.uct.ac.za/ee_research.php?euid=12# (The group that assemble the plumbing for the radar group)

Traditionally a strong radar group in SA, offering a specialized taught Master's degree in radar. The "Mike" mentioned on the site currently is probably Prof. Mike Inggs, though the institution the site refers to currently is most certainly not the University of South Africa. Thanks to Tinus!

University of Central Florida 

Thanks to Jim for this suggestion.  University of Central Florida provides RF/Microwaves courses and degrees: topics include digital signal processing, detection and estimation, communication theory, cognitive radios and networks, wireless ad-hoc and sensor networks, remote sensing, satellite communications, microwave sensors, antennas, phased arrays and integrated RF, micro- and nano-electronics, solid state device modeling, ESD protection, acoustic wave and MEMS devices, power electronics, and thin film micromachining.

They have regional campuses located all over Florida, with a big facility in Orlando.  It's spring break that never ends!


Here is their graduate catalog in electrical and computer engineering:


When that link dies, here this one might be more permanent (you will have to search out ECE courses):


Here's some more info we cribbed from the UCF web site.  They really like to use a lot of capital letters, that's how you can tell it was not written by Microwaves101:

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Electrical Engineering Program) supports a number of technical (research) areas in which a Master of Science student may specialize. These technical areas are: Electromagnetics and Optics (EO), Signal Processing and Systems (SPS), and Micro-Systems and Nano-Systems (MNS). The Micro-Systems and Nano-Systems area covers the typical Electrical Engineering topic areas of Electronics, Power Electronics and Micro-Electronics, while the Signal Processing and Systems area covers the typical electrical topic areas of communications, controls, and signal processing. All MSEE programs offer a thesis and a nonthesis option, as well as an Accelerated BS to MSEE program.  Students in the program receive a broad background in the various technical areas, while specializing in a research area of their interest.

 University of Colorado Boulder

Dr. Zoya Popovic is one of University of Colorado's microwave gurus, in the areas of intelligent microwave circuits and antenna arrays. Zoya has rock star status as a microwave researcher, her name appears on a million IEEE papers, and maybe half that many DARPA contracts. It doesn't get any better than UCB for microwave research, if you are a student or a Fortune 50 company!

Dr. Zoya Popovic

Office: Engineering Center, ECOT 252
Phone: (303) 492-0374
Fax: (303) 492-2758
E-mail: zoya@colorado.edu


Here's a link to UCB's Microwave and RF Research Group:



University of Hawaii

Yes, this school has a microwave program! Click here to check out their web site. We copied this from there:

"(U of H) focuses on high-frequency integrated circuits and antennas, an area which is becoming increasingly important as computer speeds and communication frequencies increase. Current research emphasis is on advanced architectures for next-generation wireless front ends. Through research and coursework, students will learn valuable computer-aided design skills that are tightly coupled with experiment."

Professor Shiroma

Professors Brady

Here is contact info:

Professor Wayne Shiroma
University of Hawaii
2540 Dole Street, Holmes 483
Honolulu, HI 96822
E-mail: wayne.shiroma@hawaii.edu


University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

This campus has a great process facility for material research for compound semiconductors. Here is their web site.

Here's a link to the material science and engineering department.

Here's a link to the John Rogers center. They specialize in integrating organic materials with electonics.

University of Kansas

This information was provided by Kiran, a proud student of KU, where the mascot is the fearsome Jayhawk!

From the KU website... The term "Jayhawk" was probably coined about 1848. Accounts of its use appeared from Illinois to Texas. The name combines two birds--the blue jay, a noisy, quarrelsome thing known to rob other nests, and the sparrow hawk, a stealthy hunter. The message here: Don't turn your back on this bird.



So why would you want to attend KU to study microwaves? Here's some KU professors working and well known in the microwave field:

Dr. Chris Allen

Research areas:
* Microwave remote sensing
* Radar system design and analysis



Dr. Ken Demarest

Research areas:
* Computational Electromagnetic Techniques
* Lightwave Systems



Dr. Prasad Gogineni

Research areas:
* Radar systems
* Microwave engineering



Dr. Fernando Rodriguez-Morales
Research Area:
* Modeling of active and passive RF and microwave components & circuits
* RF IC design
* System-in-package and system-on-chip approaches for advanced radar sensor integration

CRESIS is a NSF funded center at University of Kansas that designs radars, performs signal processing with the goal of remote sensing of ice sheets. Unlike self-discredited drug-addled gasbag Rush Limbaugh, these people actually study the science of global warming.

House values are soaring in Kansas

KU student receiving his diploma



University of Massachusetts Amherst

UMass has been educating the microwave masses for many years, including you-know-who. So how come they've never profiled the Unknown Editor in their Alumni Journal? You can learn about cow-tipping, shade grown tobacco, and perhaps some medicinal herbs at this ex-aggie college, where the brother of one of the FBI's most wanted list used to serve as president! They are smart enough to have already linked to us on their microwave web site: Click here! Check our our new page on the CASA Center, which is led by UMass!

Here's a microwave contact at UMass:

Professor Keith R. Carver
Marcus Hall Room 201F
phone (413) 545-1665

By the way, Dr. David Pozar literally wrote the book on Microwave Engineering while he taught at UMass. Go to our book page and buy a copy!

University of Massachusetts Lowell

This school has a long history, starting with the Lowell Textile School in 1893.  As technology expanded, so did the school - and the names! - to become Lowell Technological Institute, then University of Lowell, and the current University of Massachusetts Lowell. They currently provide engineering courses from B.S. through Ph.D., have a wide variety of research labs, and offer a graduate-level microwave certificate. Thanks to Professor Hualiang Zhang for the heads up on this fine school!

University of Michigan

Attention minorities: now that the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the principle of diversity in University of Michigan admissions cases, this could be your year to apply!

UMich's RADLAB is world renowned for microwave research.

Here's one of Michigan's most famous alumni!

University of Minnesota

The Twin Cities has a Microwave Packaging and Circuits Technology group, MPACT. Check out their web site here.

Headed by Doctor Rhonda Drayton, MPACT's research involves experimental development and characterization of high speed interconnects, packaging, advanced microwave materials, and high speed material's characterization. They are tied in with the University's Nanofab center, where you can make some really tiny stuff!

University of Ottawa

Hey, no one said you have to be a college in the United States to make this elite list. University of Ottawa's RF and Microwave (RF&M) Group offers it all. We copied this from their web site:

  • Antenna design / optimization (e.g. holographic antennas; reflectarray antennas).
  • Electromagnetic modeling and realization of passive microwave circuit elements.
  • Methods of computational electro-magnetics.
  • Use of neural networks for microwave applications.
  • CAD tools for linear/nonlinear microwave device/circuit modeling and design.
  • Electromagnetic modeling of microwave passive devices for MCMs.
  • Wireless & mobile communications (physical layer)
  • Multi-antenna (MIMO) systems (capacity analysis, propagation channel, performance)
  • Smart antennas
  • Propagation channel modeling
  • Efficient simulation algorithms for RF integrated circuits.
  • Model-order reduction for distortion analysis in RF circuits.
  • Model-order Reduction for linear and nonlinear circuits.
  • Simulation of high-speed interconnects.
  • Sensitivity computation for linear and nonlinear circuits.

University of Peradeniya

University of Peradeniya is located in Sri Lanka, the island-nation at the tip of the Indian peninsula that is inhabited by >20M people. The University annually accepts 2600 new students, with more than 50% female. The engineering department brings in 400 students each year, with 100 joining the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Microwave engineering is the specialty of Dr. Aruna Gunawardena. His web page can be found here. Below, Dr. G. discusses some of the capabilities and course work:

Although we are on a tight budget, over the past years I managed to develop a reasonably equipped microwave lab. Highlights are one Agilent VNA (13.5 GHz) with 3.5 mm calibration kit, a single HFSS + Ansoft Designer perpetual license, and a dark room equipped with an economy photo-plotter! With this setup, we offer a very practically oriented course where the students design filters, couplers, etc, fabricate them and then test them with the VNA.  

Recent acquisitions include a PCB milling machine (S63), a multi-layer press, pick and place machine, and a reflow oven.

Dr. G. is a fan of Microwaves101, and we're a fan of his, for pulling together a microwave education curriculum in a country that does not enjoy the wealth most of us take for granted.


University of Pretoria (UP)


http://www.up.ac.za/en/electronics-and-microelectronics-/article/2147601/microwave-and-mm-wave- (Active circuits and microwave / mm-wave IC)

http://www.up.ac.za/en/electromagnetism/article/2074619/electromagnetism-publications (Pretty much everything else)

Two distinct groups: the EM group that does mostly passives (lots of work in filters and antennas) and my little one-man outfit for microwave / mm-wave IC and hybrid on-chip / off-chip design. Thanks to Tinus!

University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez

Here's a college where you don't have to dress warmly, but it might help if you were bi-lingual. Dr. Sandra Cruz-Pol is involved in the CASA Center, which one day will improve our ability to predict ugly weather in your neighborhood. Check out our new page on CASA, courtesy of Dr. Cruz-Pol! These little radars will be so cheap that they'll be mounted across the country, like cell phone sites.

Mi CASA es su CASA!

Dr. Sandra Cruz-Pol
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
P.O. Box 9042
Mayaguez, PR 00681-9042


University of South Africa

The "other USA" has an impressive RF program.  We shamelessly copied this info from their web site:
Radio Frequency (RF) engineering is a subset of electrical engineering that deals with devices which are designed to operate in the radio frequency spectrum. RF and microwave engineering is incorporated into almost everything that transmits or receives a radio wave which includes but is not limited to mobile phones radios Wi-Fi and walkie-talkies and digital satellite television. Current research being conducted by the RF and Microwave Engineering group at UCT includes radar and sonar and defence electronics. The group is also beginning to explore research in communications placing emphasis on software. Further research by the group includes looking into new ways to route information around a network specifically the software involved receivers and transmitters.
Here is their web site:
Thanks to Mike!

University of South Florida

How does anyone get anything done at a school that is on Spring Break year 'round? We don't know, but the folks at USF's Wireless and Microwaves Information Systems (WAMI) sure do! Here is your contact:

Larry Dunleavy
phone (813) 974-2574

Check out the WAMI web site. Tell 'em to add a Microwaves101.com link when you talk to them! Larry is also involved with Modelithics.


University of Texas

University of Texas at Dallas is a great school for RF & Microwave Engineering. The university is in the heart of the telecom corridor of Texas, if you work nearby you can pick up a Masters Degree in your spare time!


Catalog: http://catalog.utdallas.edu/2014/graduate/courses/eerf

Thanks to Jon!

Virginia Tech

While Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University is probably known more for electro-optics than microwaves, this fine campus in Blacksburg Virginia also delves into microwave topics. Here is their web site. Learn about Hokies and Skipper here.



Here's more info on VT from alumnus Joel who wants everyone to know more about the some of the some of the brilliant minds he studied under at VT. Dr. Charles Bostian holds records in long distance microwave broadcasting, and heads the Center for Wireless Technology within the ECE department. Dr. William Davis is professor in radio technology, and is also in charge of the antenna research group at VT. Dr. Sedki Riad and Dr. Ahmad Safaai-Jazi work with time domain reflectometry. Faculty members are affiliated with the Mobile and Portable Radio Research Group, working with Analog Devices, General Dynamics, Qualcomm, and Raytheon in developing new standards of industry for wireless technology. Check out their website at www.mprg.org.

Dr. Charles Bostian
Office: 464 Whittemore
Mailing Address: 302 Whittemore (0111)
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Tel: (540) 231-5096
Fax: (540) 231-3004



Thanks Joel!

Finally, here is a picture of a Virginia Tech dormitory... comes with a guard dog!


University of Washington

Professor John Sahr wrote to school us on simplifying a math problem... (thanks!)  He is professor of electrical engineering in the UW Electromagnetics Group. Check out the image of Dr. John below, you can tell by looking at him that his class is going to be way more fun than most coursework.


Here is John Sahr's web site, which is where we cribbed that awesome picture.


Author : Unknown Editor