November 2020 update: We're #1 (in high-temperature co-fired ceramics)! That is, according to the latest market research report, click here to jump below to the rest of the story. This fact alone should tell you something about the value of many "market reports".
Market research can be invaluable to company leadership, to make good decisions on product research, and in mergers and acquisitions. But there is quite a lot of bologna floating around the ol' world wide web.
A few years back, Express Journal published a report identifying the next big players in the "Global T/R Module Market" - including:
- Kyocera
- Nuvotronics
- Nanowave Technologies
- Keysight Technologies
- TR Manufacturing LLC
- Textron Systems
- Pitow
- Aethercomm and Thales
Don't embarrass your boss by asking she purchased such valuable information... but please know that it is all BS.
For example, TR Manufacturing LLC is a subsidiary of Corning. They don't make TR modules, but maybe they could sell you a cable with some fiber in it. Nanowave Technologies employs 240 people in Canada, not exactly a big player. Keysight is a test equipment company. The only thing these companies probably have in common is that at some point they had the words "TR" and "module" on their web sites and some bot scraped it up. Once that "market research" is out there, it self-propagates. There are currently 1480 hits if you Google "Nuvotronics TR Module Market Research".
You can keep up on the Global TR Module Market by setting up a Google Alert on the keywords, if you have nothing better to do. Then you will be notified every time another bot picks up the "research", puts it on a page with some ads to try to generate some traffic. It's just a matter of time before this very Microwaves101 page generates a Google Alert; when that happens, we'll be sure to pass on that good news to our readers.
NOVEMBER 2020 UPDATE! Well, it happened, just a few short months after the UE's prediction. A company called QYResearch just released a market research report naming Microwaves101 as one of the "Key Players in the Global High-temperature Co-fired Ceramics Market" We had no idea we were even IN this market! From a quick scan of the table of contents, it looks like we are the first entry in their "Company Profiles" section, but we aren't going to pay US$7350 to find out what our production capacity is (hint: we manufacture exactly zero HTCC products). You can read more about this report over at a site called "Aerospace Journal", which appears to consist entirely of articles pointing to various other expensive market research reports.
Speaking of BS, here's an article on how BS can take on a life of its own at a company