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New for August 2021. Electro-optics is slightly off-topic from microwave engineering... but since it is a close cousin, you will want to know the fundamentals.
The Infrared and Electro-Optical Systems Handbook was an eight-volume set that would have cost you $1000 back in the 1980s. You can find individual volumes of it for sale at on-line booksellers for $50 to $100. It was originally published in 1978 and revised in 1993. The DTIC web site shows that it has been released for unlimited distribution, presumably because it was paid for by the US government. We gathered up the eight volumes and posted them below. Enjoy!
Volume 1, Sources of Radiation, edited by George J. Zissis
Volume 2, Atmospheric Propagation of Radiation, edited by Frederick G. Smith
Volume 3, Electro-Optical Components, edited by William D. Rogatto
Volume 4, Electro-Optical Systems Design, Analysis, and Testing, edited by Michael C. Dudzik
Volume 5, Passive Electro-Optical Systems, edited by Stephen B. Campana
Volume 6, Active Electro-Optical Systems, edited by Clifton S. Fox
Volume 7, Countermeasure Systems, edited by David H. Pollock
Volume 8, Emerging Systems and Technologies, edited by Stanley R. Robinson,