Waveguide Mode Visualization

New for May 2022: An article in this month's IEEE's Microwave Magazine highlighted a cool app that two undergraduate students of National Institute of Technology, Trichy created in 2021. Sai Mitheran and Ram T. Narayanan(under the supervision of Dr. Raghavan) created a tool that displays a visualization of E -and H-fields within a waveguide for different modes of operation. You can examine rectangular AND circular waveguide. They also put an easy-to-use interface that lets you pop in specific modes you are intersted in (TE, TM and even TEM).

The article  is "User Friendly Waveguide Mode Visualizer" over at the IEEExplore site.  And just in case you can't get to that article, you can see a good description of the project over on our National Institute of Technology, Trichy Microwaves101 page - scroll down to March 2021 for all the details.  Bonus: you'll get to see some other very cool projects that are coming from NITT and Dr. Raghavan's students!

Or, if you want to check out the visualizer yourself, you can download it from either of these two sites:

Streamlit application (Fast— recommended): https:// share.streamlit.io/ ram2091999/tl-modes -visualiser/app.py

Heroku application (Slower than Streamlit): https:// wg-visualiser.herokuapp. com

Video demonstration of application usage: https:// drive.google.com/drive/ folders/1oRcBTTanVbkc 7O62HOTK_pEoacXQiH8Y

GitHub repository of the code: https://github.com/ ram2091999/TL-Modes -Visualiser


Sai Mitheran Sai Mitheran, third year student of NIT Trichy
Ram T. Narayanan, third year student of NIT Trichy