Check out the Unknown Editor's Archives for previous diatribes. June 2011: Thanks to Jerry for suggesting that we provide the dates for these masterpieces...
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On New Hires (August 2001)
On Microwave Web Sites (September 2001)
On the Importance of Microwave History (November 2001)
On Gilligan's Island and Microwave Engineering (March 2002)
On the Role of Mechanical Engineers in a Microwave Department (November 2002)
On Useless Information (February 2003)
On Microwave Symposia (March 2003)
On USA Today (May 2003)
On the Seven Signs Your Boss is In Love with Himself (July 2003)
Spotlight on the Unknown Editor (September 2003)
An Engineer's Note to Hollywood (November 2003)
On Black History Month (February 2004)
It's Just Wrong (March 2004)
UE Answers Fan Mail (April 2004)
On SUVs and Osama Bin Laden (June 2004)
Special Election Issue! (September 2004)
On Engineers and Scientists (November 2004)
28 Days of R&B (February 2005)
On SUVs and the Short Bus (April 2005)
On Wedding Songs (June 2005)
On how to tell when your GaAs fab is about to be sold (July 2005)
Holiday gifts for people who haven't necessarily been good (November 2005)
SUV Tribute Chopper (January 2006)
Masters of Funk! (February 2006)
Credit card offer! (March 2006)
Solar directed energy weapon (May 2006)
Sierra Mist is a Weapon of Mass Destruction (July 2006)
Microwaver's Got Talent Contest (August 2006)
Microwave Career Killers (October 2006)
On Holiday Spirit (December 2006)
It's Just Wrong II (January 2007)
More Black History (February 2007)
Gas-Out Day, Fugeddaboudit! (May 2007)
Modern Mediocrity (June 2007)
Become a Landlord! (September 2007)
Career Advice (December 2007)
Dance Craze (February 2008)
Purpose Built Vehicles (April 2008)
Irrelevancy (August 2008)
Prevent Phishing (October 2008)
History of Greed (November 2008)
Robots versus Dinosaurs (December 2008)
Depression is a State of Mind (March 2009)
Frequency Conversion in Audio (June 2009)
Do the Needful (August 2009)
Meeting Etiquette (September 2009)
Put down the Cell Phone! (November 2009)
The Loser Decade (January 2010)
The King is Dead, Long Live the Jack! (February 2010)
Cruelty to Animals? (April 2010)
Science Fiction or Nonsense Fiction? (May 2010)
Engineering in Song (July 2010)
Last Supper Redux (September 2010)
He's a Real Gone Cat (December 2010)
Shag on down to the Union Hall! (February 2011)
I have an Important Announcement (May 2011)
Defense Food Chain (July 2011)
Poo Monkey Stands Tall (October 2011)
Merry Christmas from the One-Percenters (December 2011)
Keep up the Kayfabe (March 2012)
The Next Act? (May 2012)
IMS2012 Wrap-up (July 2012)
Go back to Paterson Where You Belong! (September 2012)
Welcome to the Cliff (December 2012)
Gun "Excitement" (February 2013)
GaN and Death (March 2013)
Engineering Spectrum Disorder (May 2013)
IMS2013 Recap (June 2013)
Vote for Me! (August 2013)
American Exceptionalism? (October 2013)
I'm Dreaming of a Multi-Cultural Christmas (December 2013)
Every Morning You Bring Us Good Luck (February 2014)
Chris Christie's Lost Abstract (March 2014)
Who Stole My Cheese? (May 2014)
Goodbye Gigafactory! (November 2014)
Way Down Yonder in New Orleans (February 2015)
Welcome to Arizona! (April 2015)
IMS 2015 Wrap-Up (July 2015)
Important Information, Open Immediately! (September 2015)
Lassez le Bon Temps Roulez! (November 2015!)
Meet Duke Shaw (January 2016)
What Goes Up Must Come Down (March 2016)
Modes, the Not-so-Secret Playground of Engineers (April 2016)
You don't need that June 2016
Leadership (August 2016)
Listen to your Customer (October 2016)
Merry Christmas 2016, Special Sports Edition (December 2016)
Hit the Showers! (February 2017)
Things Ain't What They Used to Be (April 2017)
Surf's Up (June 2017)
IMS 2017 Hawaii Wrap-Up (July 2017)
Traveling (December 2017)
City of Brotherly Love (May 2018)
IMS 2018 Wrap-Up (July 2018)
What's So Funny About Peace, Love, and Understanding? (November 2018)
Black HIstory Month Redux 2019 (February 2019)
Lobsta Mania (June 2019)
IMS 2019 Wrapup (July 2019) this page got trashed by accident....
History of Modern Stupidity (October 2019)
SCIF Life (December 2019)
Mendacity (April 2020)
Great Moments in White Degeneracy (May 2020)
We Ain't Been Slack, Microwaves101 Twentieth Anniversary (September 2020)
The Fine Art of COVID-19 (March 2021)
IMS 2021 Wrap-Up (July 2021)
Stuffies of IMS (September 2021)
Car Guy? (April 2022)
IMS2022 Wrap-Up (July 2022)
Cartoons (August 2022)
ARMMS Conference (November 2022)
Cat Wrangler (April 2023)
Don't Avoid Watch Uncle Floyd (June 2023)
IMS 2023 Wrap-Up (July 2023)
A Tale as Old as Time (January 2024)
Gas or Electric (March 2024)
You Have no Idea How Easy You Have It (June 2024)
Business in the Front Party in the Back (August 2024)