Cylindrical cavity resonators

New for June 2017:  This page will introduce you to a design tool that was contributed by Ronny.  It is a MATLab GUI that calculates resonant frequencies based on dimensions and modes (111, 011, etc) that you enter. The file is zipped and is almost 10MB, you can download it here. It takes a while to install.  We tried it but have no way to verify the results, perhaps a reader would be kind enough to investigate its accuracy.

Also, we don't have the math behind cylindrical cavities ready to post, but we refer you to Pozar's Microwave Engineering, Chapter 7.4 and we hope you like Bessel functions!

Here is Ronny's description of his calculator:

I am a doctoral student who works on microwave cavities. I made a Matlab GUI as a comfortable way to calculate resonant frequencies and quality factors of cavities with circular cross sections. I am finally pleased with the GUI and thought I should share it with the microwave community. The final *.exe is attached as *.zip. It was made with the Matlab Application Compiler, so it needs either a Version of Matlab or the Matlab Runtime to be installed. In the attached file, there is also an installer which loads the runtime from the internet and installs it. Hope you will like it ;)

Below is a screen shot on a computer we installed it on.

ccc image

Click here to go to our page on frequency meters.


Author : Unknown Editor