New for August 2009! Discrete microwave devices are semiconductor components (one or multiple identical components) configured onto a singular part, suitable for integration into a module or board, wihout matching or bias networks. For microwave systems, discrete transistors can be used to build power amplifiers or low noise amplifiers; discrete PIN diodes are often used in switches, discrete Schottky diodes are often used in detectors. Discrete is the opposite of monolithic, as in MMIC. Sometimes more than one device is configued onto a singular die, for example, five Schottky diodes could be on a single chip (to provide some spares). Our definition of discrete encompasses this type of device as well.
Make sure you don't misspell "discrete" and not "discreet" or your presentation will be greeted with giggles, because the other word is used in sentences like "discreet encounters". Hubba hubba!
The word "device" in electronics is almost universally applied to semiconductors. Microwave semiconductor devices" are merely called "devices" out in the lab or in documentation or conversation. Sometimes chip resistors, capacitors and inductors are called discretes, but in this case they are not "devices" they are merely components.
Discrete devices can be in die form, or packaged. Package parasitics limit the frequency response, you can think of all package technologies as low-pass filters!
Some pictures of discrete devices we recently found on Ebay...
Amperex transistors (very old!)
ST power transistors
Anyone have a photo of a discrete chip, send it our way!
In case you were wondering what happened to ST or Amperex, go here.