Microwave Amateur Radio

Microwaves101 has a lot of visits from radio enthusiasts. So it's time we welcomed them with their own page on amateur radio! If any Ham has content that they'd like us to post, drop us a line!

Microwave Amateur Radio

Here's the Wikipedia story of how the word "ham" came to refer to amateur radio.

Here's a link to web site of the American Radio Relay League, a.k.a. the National Association for Amateur Radio.

Go to our book section and order a copy of the ARRL Handbook from Amazon. You can get used copy for just a few bucks, we did and we like it!

History of amateur radio

Radio, when you think about it, was invented by amateurs. It took years before big companies such as General Electric, RCA and AT&T screwed it all up by commercializing it. You can learn about some of the pioneers of radio in our Microwave Hall of Fame.

Check it out, John D. Kraus (W8JK) is also in the Hall of Fame!

Here's a public domain image of Hiram Percy Maxim, who founded ARRL in 1914. ARRL now boasts about 105,000 members.

Microwave Amateur Radio

If anyone wants to collaborate on an ARRL project, maybe we can help facilitate that. Example: how about a printed circuit board for a 24 GHz radio?


We strive to be the web site that provides real content, not just links to other sites. But while we're waiting, we'll post some links. Here's a "short list" of links, many of which were sent in by Tony:


All About Circuits (an extremely active electrical engineering online community that provides both interesting content and useful resources for electrical engineers, including various engineering calculators as well as a free electrical engineering textbook.) Suggested by Kent!

23cm PA with GI-7

AA9PW.com FAA and FCC Exam Practice

DF5AI.NET - Amateur Radio Propagation Studies (NICE Website!)

Douglas T. Smith Editorial Service Homepage - VERY GOOD

DSP-10 2-meter Home Built DSP Amateur Radio Transceiver by W7PUA

EA6VQ - Moon-Net discussions

Elecraft Innovative Electronic Kits

electronics tutorials


EME Primer

EME, Earth-Moon-Communication. (W6-PA0ZN )

Find a ham in your area using zip code

HobbySpace - Space Radio

K2 Rework Eliminators

K8CU Home Page

KK7P.COM Your Resource for DSP Products and Services

Morse Runner

N1BUG Web Polarization of EME Signals How to Succeed More Often


PSKMeter Page

QRZ.COM - Practice Exams

Solar Terrestrial Activity Report

Technician and General Class Training - MicroHAMS.com

UHF-Satcom.com - the online place for VHF to EHF satcom reception and monitoring

WC8VOA - West Chester Amateur Radio Association

DSP-10 2-meter Home Built DSP Amateur Radio Transceiver by W7PUA

Carsten Groen, OZ9AAR

SSB Electronic Amateur Radio Products Index

Down East Microwave Inc. Supplier of amateur radio equipment for 50MHz and above

G3SEK's Amateur Radio Technical Notebook

GO-Mars with AMSAT-DL's P5A-Mission

EME, Earth-Moon-Communication. (W6/PA0ZN )

Welcome to Earth-Moon-Earth Home Pages.


HFpack (Horizontal) Pedestrian Antenna Shootout 2002 Horizontal HFpack (Vertical) Pedestrian Antenna Shootout 2002 Vertical Pacific Antenna Home Table of Contents - W1GHZ Microwave Antenna Book ONLINE

QRP (low power)

Four state QRP Group QRP Homebuilder QRPp International Radio Club ( QRPp, QRP, CW, SSB, PSK31, Tiny-Tornado, Pixie, Micro-80 ) The American QRP ClubRock-Mite

EME (moon bounce)

Microwaves and MillimeterWaves - L. Cupido
Moonbounce Weak Signal and Astrophotography by Mike Cook AF9Y
GLEAP - The W7GJ 6m EME Array
The GM4JJJ Modified W1SL 144MHz Power Amplifier
DL4YHF's Audio Spectrum Analyser
OK1DFC EME Site - Very good stuff here
N2UO Home Page
EME Operating Primer
Weak Signal Source
W7GJ 2m EME Tips
MoonSked Moon Tracking EME software for Macintosh, Windows and Linux
The Home Pages of Michael Fletcher - OH2AUE

Radio Astronomy

Deep Space Network Home Page

Basics of Radio Astronomy

Radio-Sky Publishing - including Radio Eyes software

NASA Radio JOVE Project Home Page

Dish Projects

Dishes for Amateurs

4.5 Meter Dish Project

1420 Mhz Radio Astronomy Antenna

Amplifier Projects

VHF Amplifier Projects

QRO via Russia

23cm PA with GI-7

23cm cavity amplifier.html

High performance 144-MHz PA

Hombrew Power amplifiers of HA1YA (By HA8ET)

Lazy Builders PA

Description of 144 MHz high power amplifier, 4CX250B

This link came from Kristi:

I noticed you missed a great page on ham radios: http://www.answerconnect.com/articles/the-ham-radio-resource-guide . It looks like a very nice overview on hams, it provides a nice overview, along with providing links to very resourceful pages including technical specs, call signs, terminology, licensing, and equipment.

These links came from Wayne:

Owens Valley Radio Observatory and Ham Radio

San Bernardino Microwave Society (SBMS), one of the oldest ham radio clubs specializing in microwave technology:




Author : Unknown Editor