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NITT is located in Tiruchirappalli, India (in the state of Tamil Nadu) , a city of over one million people commonly known as Trichy. They've been very generous, creating and contributing a number of cool tools to Microwaves101. We've also listed the NITT events further down on this page - if you're ever in their neighborhood, stop by for a visit!
Dr. S. Raghavan of NITT has been a contributor to Microwaves101, with regard to finline. He also holds the distinctions of being the final Ph.D. scholar of Prof. B. Bhat and being a Senior Professor at NITT, although he is now retired. Here is his contact information and qualifications. His interests include microwave integrated circuits, biological effects of microwaves, computer-aided design, and metamaterials. He is a Fellow or Senior Member of 18 technical societies, and was recently honored with the "Lifetime Achievement Award" from the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society MADARAS section.

Dr. S. Raghavan of NITT and the presentation of his Lifetime Achievement Award
Check out the NITT website at Electronics and Communications Engineering Department. Here is an article of Microwave Engineering Made Easy, which describes the NITT educational experience.
Dr. S Raghavan has authored several books. Some of them are shown here :

Photo of Dr. S Raghavan with Dr. B N Basu
B. N. Basu, pictured above, received B. Tech., M. Tech. and Ph. D. degrees from the Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, Calcutta University in 1965, 1966 and 1976, respectively. He superannuated as Professor and Head,
Electronics Engineering Department and Coordinator of Centre of Research in Microwave Tubes at Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), now known as Indian Institute of Technology-BHU. Currently, he holds the position of Distinguished Adjunct Professor at the Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions (SKFGI) in
Mankundu, West Bengal, India. Previously, he worked at Regional Institute of Technology (now known as National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur; CSIR-Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute (CEERI), Pilani, India; and DRDO-Defence Electronics Research Laboratory, Hyderabad, India. He was in the team responsible for the development of the first travelling-wave tube (TWT) in India at CEERI, Pilani. He and his students took a lead in the design and development of state-of-art microwave vacuum electron devices for the first time in India, for instance, coupled-cavity TWT, high-power gridded helix-TWT, micro-TWT, space-TWT, gyrotron, and so on. Professor Basu, while at BHU evolved a proposal for developing the first gyrotron in India, and Professor RK Jha, also of BHU, moved this proposal to the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India for its furtherance. Based on this move, DST
sanctioned a multi-institutional project in which the first ever gyrotron in India for fusion plasma heating was sanctioned and Professor Basu took a pivotal role as a member of the Steering Committee of DST in the successful completion of the project that led to the first gyrotron developed in India. Professor Basu was a Distinguished Visiting Scientist of CSIR at CEERI, Pilani and consultant to DRDO – Microwave Tube Research and Development Centre, Bangalore. He co-chaired with the ISRO Director a committee for monitoring a project at CEERI-Pilani for the indigenous development of a class of space-qualified TWTs for ISRO-SAC-Ahmedabad. He played a pivotal role in establishing MOUs (i) between Department of Electronics Engineering, IIT-BHU and CSIR-CEERI, Pilani; (ii) between Seoul National University and CSIR-CEERI, Pilani; and (iii) between SKFGI, Mankundu and CSIR-CEERI, Pilani. He serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (JEMWA) (Taylor and Francis), and he guest-edited Issue 17, Vol. 31, 2017 (Special Issue) of JEMWA. Professor Basu took visiting assignments abroad at Lancaster University, UK; Seoul National
University, Korea; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; and University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu. He was President of Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications Society, India of which he is one of the founders. He established the renowned WhatsApp group “Thinkers in Vacuum Electron Devices”. Professor
Basu has authored (or co-authored) more than 130 research papers in journals of international repute (including more than 45 in IEEE Transactions) and 8 monograph chapters in the area of vacuum electron devices (microwave tubes). He has authored 6 books: (i) Electromagnetic Theory and Applications in Beam-Wave Electronics
(World Scientific, Singapore/ New Jersey/ London/ Hong Kong, 1996), (ii) Technical Writing (Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, 2007), (iii) Engineering Electromagnetics Essentials (Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2015) (distributed by Orient Blackswan, India), (iv) High Power Microwave Tubes: Basics and Trends, Vol. 1, (v) Ibid Vol. 2, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, California, USA with IOP Publishing, Bristol, UK, 2018), besides (vi) his autobiography in Bengali: Chhoriye
Chhitiye Muhoortogulo (Rupam Prakashani, Kolkata, India, 2023). Professor Basu served on the very first Technical Committee on Vacuum Electronic Devices of the IEEE Electron Devices Society. He is the recipient of the SVC Aiya Memorial Award of IETE, India (1999); Lifetime Achievement Award of the Vacuum Electronic Devices and
Application Society, India (2014); Microwave Pioneer Award of International Symposium of Microwaves, India (2016); Lifetime Achievement Award of the IETE, India (2021) and John R. Pierce Award of the IEEE Electron Devices Society, USA (2023) (the first ever from India).
Books by Dr Basu:

PROBE 2023:
Thirty first edition of PROBE 2023 sponsored by Qualcomm was celebrated with innovative TECHNICAL events that include workshops and guest lectures for 3 days..More than six hundred engineering students across the state joined with ECE students of NIT TRICHY
The impact of Millimeter wave Engineering in 5G technology was discussed in detail during the Inaugural function which was presided by the Director Dr.G.Aghila and felicitated by Dr Bhaskar, H.O.D. Shri Syam Krishna Babbellapati, Senior Director , Engineering Qualcomm and Prof.S.Raghavan , Founder Faculty Advisor of the PROBE.
Images of the event:

Apart from this,The Unknown editor of 'MICROWAVES 101' appreciated the efforts of the students in Microwave Engineering and encouraged them to keep excelling in MICROWAVE Engineering. A special photo to this effect was sent to Dr.S.Raghavan, retired Professor of N.I.T., Trichy. Here's the image:

New for Febuary 2022:
How to be good in Electromagnetic Theory: Debrup Mukherjee, a MTech student of NIT Trichy writes,
"While I requested Dr S Raghavan (senior most Professor(H.A.G.) Retd. N.I.T., Trichy ) and the fortunate
scholar of Prof.Bharathi Bhat and Prof.S K KOUL (IIT Delhi) to give concluding remarks, following note
came out.
“It's not 'Divergence' and 'Curl" alone that make Electro-Magnetic Theory. For the design of the M.I.C. components Transmission Line theory approach will be enough and makes one understand the subject. The only two dimensions width 'w' based on the wheeler's curve (other nomograms) and length (anyone lambda within infinite lambdas between '0' and '1' makes the design in any of the seventy-two planar transmission lines possible. different substrate materials and frequency considerations are child's play. At microwave frequencies, there are only two elements 'L' and 'C". If an equivalent circuit of any component, circuit or system is obtained, the design layout will emanate in seconds and with EASE. If four maxwells equations, four boundary conditions, and Helmholtz equations are understood, then EMT is easier than popular digital electronics and it will be 'MIGITAL’”."
To read more click here.
<- Debrup Mukherjee
New for December 2021:
"INDISPENSIBLE IMPORTANCE OF NOMOGRAMS in Microwave Integrated Circuit Components Design". One cannot imagine how much cumbersome and complicated it would have been had ‘Wheelers curve‘,‘Coupled circuits spacing and width computation NOMOGRAMs had not come into practical usage thanks to heritage stalwarts like. Wheeler, SB Cohn. When there are standard Nomo grams for Microstrip, Strip line and Coupled lines, there are characteristic curves (in terms of spacing’s, widths and characteristic Impedances for Coplanar Waveguide, Finline, Slot line, coplanar Strip , and other variants of planar transmission lines. An intelligent thought sparked in the young mind of SAIKIRAN ANGALI, who is pursuing in communication Systems of National Institute of Technology, Trichirappalli, under the guidance of Prof.S.Raghavan (Microwave Integrated Circuit Domain).Saikiran is trying to achieve standard Nomo grams as ready reckoners so as to get the width, spacing dimensions and make the M.I.C.Layout designers feel at ease. Certain nomogram for better visibility and usage, he has done with 3 dimensions too which is little uncommon.
Some Plots from the work:
Wheelers Curve 3D:

Wheelers Curve 2D:

Click Here to Read more about his work
<- Saikiran Angali
"Design and Layouts of MIC components for microstrip and stripline using Python GUI".Microstrip, Stripline Stub branch line coupler, Hybrid Ring, Rate race coupler are designed for a given Microwave frequency, coupling coefficient and substrates thickness. By using them one can get complete Design values and Layout in mm’s at a single touch of the key on a GUI. This Python self-coded miraculous effort was done by Kamjula Divya, a Post Graduate student of NIT Trichy under the guidance of Prof.S.Raghavan. This technique can even be extended to Backward wave coupler including Power dividers both equal and Unequal too. This workaholic effort is due to complete understanding of M.I.C. Design methodology and expertise in Python coding and GUI. The real beauty is one will be able to get 1:1 scale layout for any specifications.
Screenshot of the work:

<- Kamjula Divya
New for October 2021: Sandeep Reddy Pulakunta, a Mtech student at NIT Trichy, has created MATLAB plots for different types of Smith Charts.
Image of 3D Smith Chart:

Image of compressed Smith Chart:

Sandeep has also plotted a Thank You note for Microwave 101 using Smith Charts with centers shifted:
<- Sandeep Reddy
New for May 2021: A research scholar from NITT, Dr. V KRUSHNA KANTH participated in a DRDO dare to dream innovation contest, winning the FIRST prize amongst 3000 applicants. The details of the contest can be found here. Nowadays, defense technology mainly focuses on the strategic and stealth sectors. The modern aircraft which belong to class 5 and class 6 are advanced warfare vehicles. These aircraft are the game changers of modern-day wars. The radar systems used in this modern aircraft are more sophisticated and need extreme protection from the detection of enemy radars. In this regard, Dr. V KRUSHNAKANTH and Dr. S RAGHAVAN, ("MICROWAVE INTEGRATED CIRCUIT" LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD WINNER) proposed a frequency selective radome to protect the radar system. The proposed radome helps in making our targets invisible to the enemy radars and protects the aircraft from firing.

In the above image (Right to Left): Air Chief Marshal Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria, The Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Karambir Singh, The award winner, V Krushna Kanth, Dr. G Satheesh Reddy, Secretary, Department of Defence R&D and Chairman, DRDO, Minister of Defence (India) Rajnath Singh, The National Security Advisor and the chief adviser to the Prime Minister of India on national security policy Ajit Doval, and Chief of the Army Staff (India) General Bipin Rawat.
"ENGINEERING Doctor SNEHA BALAN" - Dreamt to become a Practical Biomedical Engineer, Worked for it, and achieved global recognition.
Catch a glimpse of her work in the section - "NITT Events related to Microwave Engineering"

New for March 2021: Two undergraduate students of NITT, Sai Mitheran and Ram (under the supervision of Dr. Raghavan) have done a unique project based on E and H field visualisation inside a waveguide for different modes of operation. This was done using pure python code without the help of any commercial software. The project is one of its kind with it's intuitive graphical user interface which anyone can play around with. This work will make every student love EM fields which otherwise is considered a nightmare.
Link for project:
Link for report: Documentation of Waveguide-Visualiser
A Glimpse of the work:
TE-11 Mode visualised in Rectangular waveguide |
TM-11 Mode visualised in Circular waveguide |
Sai Mitheran, 3rd year student of NIT Trichy |
Ram, 3rd year student of NIT Trichy |
New for January 2021! Once again, students at NITT have thoughtfully provided us with the results of their work. Unless specified otherwise, all projects were completed under the direction of Dr. S. Raghavan.
Alok TJ presents A 3-D Wheelers Curve. The Wheeler’s curve calculates microstrip impedance from paramaters w/h (width divided by height) and diectric constant. It is plotted by merging two curves from either side of the point of discontinuity where w/h=1, and then plotted on one graph for complete range of (w/h) values. From the Wheeler’s Curve Plot, corresponding values of Impedance and (w/h) on the curve is taken with uniform linear separation and made into a tabular column for each standard dielectric substrate. All the values obtained from the Wheeler’s curve are consolidated in a single chart for Microstrip line designers, and presented (for the first time that we know of!) as a 3D surface plot. |
RS Anju sent us some coplanar waveguide characteristic curves, helpful in determining the width and spacing for any dielectric at any frequency. (You may also want to download the python code used to create these plots). |
A Windows application that designs Stepped-Impedance Low Pass Filters using Python by Debrup Mukherjee. This paper describes how to create your own application that takes the filter specifications as input and designs the complete layout by itself. All we need to have is a good understanding of how microwave filters work and what are the steps taken by an experienced designer to design the layout. The way an experienced designer designs filters, the same way the process can be automated and make a computer do all the calculations and all the hard work for us. The software, that we will learn to write in this page takes care of everything and gives us the complete layout with all the dimensions. |
Sumadhara Gunupati shared a paper on "Magical Lambda" - It has it's own Microwaves101 page! |
Govardhan has written a Generalized Python program that can calculate:
1.Effective ABCD Parameters of any M.I.C Components and then find out it's equivalent S-Parameters.
2. Starting from 2-stub branch-line coupler, it will compute 3 stub branch-line coupler, Hybrid Ring, Rat race.
3.Will compute the design parameters of stub branch-line couplers and hybrid ring for any coupling coefficient.
4. Indirectly it will obtain the Overall ABCD parameters and then the S-matrix
Ekansh Bharadwaj has created a Generalized Filter starting from Binomial and Equal ripple filter coefficients.
The uniqueness of this project is that it is a Standalone application made in MATLAB 2020a. There is no need to install MATLAB to run this application. If anyone wants to install it, he/she can install it without any problem, it will run perfectly. This application is able to Design a Low pass filter using an unconventional method of software usage provided coefficient to design a filter. He has also used Richard's transformation and Kuroda's identity to design this low pass filter step-wise.
Ekansh Bhardwaj dedicated his work to Dr. S RAGHAVAN, the LIFETIME AWARD winner in MICROWAVE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS.
Thank you to all these students for their detailed and creative work, and to Dr. S. Raghavan for sharing it with us and promoting the site.
AUGUST 2018: Professor Muthu Ramya is interested in microwave research, and she also an artist. Check out some of her work over on her blog!
Here are some MORE presentations in pdf format by NITT students on microwave topics for you to download:
Reconfigurable scan-beam single-arm spiral antenna integrated with RF MEMS switches by B.Sravanthi (M.Tech)
RFMEMS Filter by Durai Praveen and Gautham Muthukumar (B.Tech)
IDEA-improved simulation software by Sudha Rani Agarwal (B Tech, 6 semester, ECE)
Here is a description of a project that NITT performed for a Smith Chart tool, just one example of what students at NITT ECE are doing. Much of the credit goes to Mr. Arpit Raj, who was in his final year Electronics and Communication Engineering in 2010. He is a web team member of the college and contributed to the Microwave Engineering Made Easy article as well.

Update March 2016: In the microwave world, we are always looking for interactive ways to play around on the Smith chart. In the document below, Bharath Krishna shows how to create a Smith Chart in Java.
Interactive Smith Chart in Java
New for October 2013: NITT student Lakshmi Nairhas contributed a transmission line calculator. Read about it here. Thanks!
New for March 2013: check out Dr. Raghavan and Prof Suganthi's poster on Women in Microwaves!
May 2021:
Krushna Kanth V – His research work is on the advanced frequency-selective radome with superior electromagnetic performance characteristics. He won the first prize in the DRDO dare to dream innovation contest. To read more about his fascinating and award-winning work which was appreciated at the national level, you can find the proposal here.
Sneha Balan – Biomedical frontline worker in Healthcare and during Covid-19. She is working in the Healthcare industry in the Middle East, She has the opportunity to bring out technical advancements and associate herself in the Medical domain on a day-to-day basis. As a Biomedical solution designer, she was involved in several projects during critical and recent times (mainly in the Kingdom of Bahrain), which can be found here.
March 2021: A pen sketch of Sir JC Bose who is the father of Millimeter-wave and Radio science is done by Karri Sri Siddhi, a 3rd-year student of NIT Trichy, ECE department.
May 2019: The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli, one of the prominent Engineering Institutions in India, takes immense pleasure in organizing an International Conference on Microwave Integrated Circuits, Photonics and Wireless Networks (IMICPW-2019). This conference will provide a forum for academic researchers, practicing engineers, and industry experts to present and discuss their recent work, technical advancements, and new products. The main objective of IEEE IMICPW-2019 is to provide a platform for the community of researchers and practicing engineers to meet and present their latest technical achievements in microwave and RF components, circuits & systems, photonics, and wireless networks. For more info, see the IMICPW website.
July 2018: Dr S. Raghavan writes to tell us about one of the attendees of his recent workshop. "ONE LADY MICROWAVE PROFESSOR, MUTHU RAMYA has a wonderful unbelievable CRAFTS @ ARTS hobby. Will you be interested to post the same in NITT WEBSITE of MICROWAVE 101. She attended the 'MICROWAVE WORKSHOP'conducted by me in NITT . She teaches MICROWAVES in a near by Engineering college." We're happy to help, sir! The website is
June 2018: ITT Workshop on CAD of Microwave Integrated Circuits, 9 - 10 June 2018, Tiruchirappalli, India
The objective of the course is to impart in-depth knowledge in the Computer-aided design of Microwave components including antennae through the conventional coding (MATLAB). The highlight of the workshop is to compare the joy and originality of getting the solution through conventional coding with that of commercial software tools (ADS, HFSS, CST MWS, COMSOL, etc.). Each has got its own exclusive merits and demerits. The demonstrations will speak of the above claim. Eligibility: The programme is open to the Research Scholars, UG, PG, faculty members, and Industry persons, to get exposed to the state-of-art design of MICs.
Important note: deadline to apply is June 6, 2018! CAD of Microwave Workshop
Update November 2015: Join NITT faculty and students for a conference entitled "Microwaves Through Software" at NIT Tiruchirappalli (Trichy) on November 6th and 7th, 2015. Read the brochure below:
Microwaves Through Software Workshop (6-7 November 2015)
Here is a "electronic souvenir" from the MTS conference that provides a summary, worth a look if you were there or not:
E-Souvenir_from MTS_2015
New for August 2015: an update from Dr. Raghavan on his microwave students and sad news from India.
Below, the MICROWAVE Group of National Institute of Technology Trichy, India has paid respects to the Space scientist Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam in an unique way. To make his coat appear as natural as it was during his last speech in Indian Institute Of Management (IIM), Shillong, the students used tea powder in the floral decoration. He was the Project Director of SLV_3 in 1980 and had a keen interest in MICROWAVE Engineering.

You have to dream before your dreams can come true.
Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam died on July 27,2015. He served as president of India from 2002 to 2007. He was a first a scientist, and became a politician later. Over 100,000 people attended his services. He wrote 17 books, including an autobiography you should consider reading to learn more about his life.
New for September 2014: a recent lecture was given by Ms. Seema R. Tirky (first year post graduate) to bring awareness of Microwaves101 web site to other students. Thanks for spreading the word, we hope that Microwaves101 lives up to your expectations! Click the images for higher resolution photographs. On the right, the electronics and communication engineering association office bearers of 2014 are shown.

Also during this month, Microwaves101 offers congratulations to the Indian Mars Orbiter Mission Mangalyaan, that entered orbit on 24 September 2014. Bravo!
Here are some words from NITT regarding this historic mission:
Microwave Group of NITT celebrated the proud victory of Mars Orbiter Mission
All health parameters of the Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) are normal and the its performance will be as per the computed time” said the proud scientist and the project Director of MOM S. Arunan few days before in NITT during his talk to the Electronics and Communication Engineering association students. His words came true when the whole world witnessed Indian Space Scientists' latest space marvel Mangalyan being put in orbit around Mars at the very first attempt. Along with the whole country, the Microwave group, are jubilant for many reasons. Starting from N. Valarmathi. the Project Director of Radar Image Satellite (RiSAT), P.K. Anuradha, the Project Director of GSAT 12 and finally MOM Project Director Arunan had inspired every student of the department to aspire to become space scientists. The Microwave group headed by Dr. S. Raghavan, Professor, and the ECE department celebrated with great joy and satisfaction. The scholars and the students had designed the colorful model of the MOM in the form of rangoli. Microwave Engineering has played an active role in the mission. One of the present scholars of the Microwave group, Mr.S. Purusothaman is from the Compact Antenna Test Facility (CATF) of ISRO, Bangalore where High Gain Antenna of Mars mission was exclusively tested for the radiation pattern, gain polarization and isolation before integrating with MARS space craft. The communication systems for the Mars mission are responsible for the challenging task of communication management up to a distance of 400 million km. One student Nitesh Jha from Nepal has told that he feels proud to study in India where extraordinary achievement on space science had happened. Another scholar wished that ISRO should excel NASA in space research. Other proud comments include , "Super power" is exhibited , at the rate of 11 Rs/km the mission is the world’s cheapest interplanetary mission , "the cost is lesser than the budget (100 million dollars) of the English movie ‘Gravity’ ", and "I will work hard to become a space scientist’". For any space mission volume and weight are very critical and the biggest advantage of microwave is miniaturization. The group is doubly happy to see the practical usage of Microwave Engineering in the space mission which made India scale high!

A rangoli model of Mangalyaan was designed by the group,
under the guidance of the research scholar Ms. Imaculate Roselin.

Mars Mission PROJECT DIRECTOR - ISRO ENGINEER: SCIENTIST ENGINEER S ARUNAN along with Prof.S.Raghavan and Engineering Doctor SNEHA BALAN
New for July 2013: Dr. Raghavan has organized a conference on CAD in microwaves on July 27-28, 2013. Download the poster, and download the registration form.
New for June 2013: Dr. Raghavan has organized a three-day conference on Telemedicine (merging medical and engineering practices) at NITT on July 12-14. Here you can learn about many topics including tele-cardiology, tele-opthalmology, tele-anaesthesiology, tele-pathology, tele-diabetology, tele-radiology, stem cell engineering, bio implantable antennas and more. Download the poster and display it at your office or school to show your support!
March 2013: Here are two new pictures. March 8, 2013 was International Women's Day, which was celebrated in advance by NITT faculty and students.
Below is the photo of the first ever female project director of ISRO, Dr.P.K. Anuradha who was the head of GSAT-12, along with the student organizers of the Electronics and Communication Engineering department , N.I.T., Trichirappalli. You will notice that women are well represented in this group, click on it to see their smiling faces!

Below are Dr. Praveen Wahid, USA, Dr. Salazar Palma of Spain, coordinators of WiE 2013 , along with Microwave Pioneers of TamilNadu.

29 August 2012
Microwave Group of NIT-T for a change formed ONAM POOKALAM using MICROWAVE INTEGRATED CIRCUIT antennas (ten types of antennas instead of ten rings found in the conventional pookalam viz. fractal antenna, patch antenna, implantable antenna, metamaterial antenna, RF ID, smart antenna, UWB antenna, spiral antenna, Yagi antenna, and sector antenna) chips designed and fabricated by the research scholars. Each small chip antenna has its own significant advantages. This Pookalam made up of small antennas propagate the joy of the integration festival ONAM.
Floral Design, traditionally known as POOKALAM is the hall mark of the colourful harvest festival ONAM. Pookalam that is supposed to please KING MAHABALI is normally consists of ten rings, each representing a god is made during the onam celebration (Atham to Thiruvonam). Flowers like thumba, kekka poovu, chemparathy, thechipoovu, mukkutti, aripoo, hanuman kireedam, and chethi. It sometimes denotes Nakshatram of the day.

And we have two more images here and here for your enjoyment.
Below is an image of the NITT ECE class taken when Scientist N. Valarmathi gave a technical talk about satellite communication. Read about her visit here.
Ms. Valarmathi is the first woman to head a remote sensing satellite project for India, the indigenously developed Radar Imaging Satellite RISAT-1. Valarmathi is the second woman to serve as satellite project director at the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) after T. K. Anuradha, who headed the communication satellite GSAT-12 program. Read more about Valarmathi in The Hindu.

Thumbs up for future microwave engineers! Dr. Raghavan and Ms. Valarmathi front and center.